Blog, featured

Amigurumi Showcase – Free patterns part 1

Hello crocheters! As promised here is the first round of free patterns that have been made available as part of the Amigurumi Showcase! I will only be sharing the patterns that have caught my eye and that I am planning to make myself (I will update this post with pictures of my makes once I… Continue reading Amigurumi Showcase – Free patterns part 1

Blog, featured

Feature – Amigurumi Showcase Shortlisted Designs

Hello crafters! I'm here to report on the #amigurumishowcase that was organised over on Instagram. My pattern, Gigi the Galah (you can see her design process here) was not shortlisted but fear not, I have now sent my pattern to testers and it will be released for free in a few weeks as promised! I… Continue reading Feature – Amigurumi Showcase Shortlisted Designs

Blog, En coulisses

En coulisses – Gigi le Galah

Bonjour amis crocheters! J'espère partager le processus de mes design avec vous un peu plus en détail, dans ce que je vais appeler mes blogs "en coulisses". Aujourd'hui, je voulais vous montrer comment j'ai conçu mon design pour le #amigurumishowcase qui s'est passé sur Instagram (les entrées se sont terminées le 30 août et les… Continue reading En coulisses – Gigi le Galah

Behind the scenes, Blog

Behind the Scenes – Gigi the Galah

Hello crafters! I'm hoping to share a bit more of my design process with you, in what I will call my "behind the scenes" posts. Today I wanted to share how I came up with my design for the #amigurumishowcase that was hosted on Instagram (entries finished on the 30th of August and shortlisted designs… Continue reading Behind the Scenes – Gigi the Galah

Blog, featured

Feature – Amigurumi Wildlife Adventure

Hello crafters! You may already know this but September is Biodiversity month here is Australia. To celebrate this, I thought I'd do a special feature on a new amigurumi pattern book that came out in August: The Amigurumi Wildlife Adventure book, released by designers Irene Strange and Ilaria Caliri (I've linked the Ravelry page to… Continue reading Feature – Amigurumi Wildlife Adventure

Free Pattern

Cleo le Poisson Clown

Bonjour amis crocheters! Cela faisait un moment depuis mon dernier modèle gratuit, alors j'ai pensé que je pouvais partager Cleo le Poisson Clown gratuitement ici avec vous, pour vous remercier de votre soutien! Les poissons-clowns sont des animaux super cool, ils ont un mucus spécial qui leur permet de vivre dans les anémones de mer… Continue reading Cleo le Poisson Clown

Free Pattern

Chase la Chenille

Si vous voulez un PDF facile à lire, vous pouvez en trouver un en cliquant un des liens ci-dessous. Fournitures • Laine moyenne de quatre couleurs différentes, C1, C2, C3 pour la tête et le corps - C4 pour les pattes (j'aime utiliser la Ricorumi DK*) • Un crochet n°3.5* • Une aiguille à laine,… Continue reading Chase la Chenille

Free Pattern

Jay the Jellyfish

Hello crafters! Jellyfish can be dangerous, but they are also quite beautiful. I’ve always liked the look of the mediterranean pink jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca, I still remember going to the aquarium as a kid and watching the jellyfish bloom. And now, you can make your very own! If you'd like an easy to read, printable… Continue reading Jay the Jellyfish

Free Pattern

Daisy the Duckling

Hello crafters! With a little boy just over one, we have been singing a lot of nursery rhymes in our house, and one of our favourites is 'Five little ducks'. I have decided to make my own little duck to sing along with, meet Daisy the duckling! If you'd like an easy to read, printable… Continue reading Daisy the Duckling