Free Pattern

Free pattern – No sew baby Suzy the Shark

Hello crochet friends! As you may know, I have two little boys that have gone through a Baby Shark phase. Recently, they have found an old baby shark bath toy, and they wanted a cuddly hand-size shark toy, which they asked me to make for them. I could not find any pattern I really liked,… Continue reading Free pattern – No sew baby Suzy the Shark

Free Pattern

Easter Eggs – 2023 Collection

Hello crochet friends! It has become a little bit of a tradition, and I am all for it! I'm happy to share with you my latest Easter Egg amigurumi collection, this time inspired by Australian animals. You probably already know that I am hugely inspired by nature, and since I've moved to Australia, I feel… Continue reading Easter Eggs – 2023 Collection

Blog, featured

Easter 2023 – Pattern Round-up

Hello lovely crochet friends! It has been a while since my last pattern roundup and I've realised I have never made one for Easter, so I thought it was time to change this! In no particular order, I've included 8 super cute patterns you can make for Easter, with some free and some paid patterns.… Continue reading Easter 2023 – Pattern Round-up

Free Pattern

Oscar the Octopus

Hello crochet friends! I have a confession to make, I have caught the plush and velvet yarn bug! I’ve been loving remaking patterns using these soft yarns, but I have to admit that sewing has been challenging, despite the cuteness of the finished plushies. Enter Oscar the Octopus - he has no sewing at all,… Continue reading Oscar the Octopus

Behind the scenes, Blog

Behind the Scenes – Greg the Care Bear’s story

Hello crochet friends! Today, I am releasing a new pattern, and this is probably the pattern I’m the most proud of. To do this pattern justice however, I have to tell you how it was conceived and what it represents. I hope you’ll take the time to read Greg the Care Bear’s story, and, if… Continue reading Behind the Scenes – Greg the Care Bear’s story

Blog, Craft Vlog

Emma Crafts Vlog 4 – Short and (Christmas candy) sweet

Hello crafty friends! It is time again for my monthly craft video blog! November has been quite productive, but I think I will take some time off during December as we have (hopefully, if all goes to plan) holidays planned to see family. I have finished a few Christmas presents (I was early for once!)… Continue reading Emma Crafts Vlog 4 – Short and (Christmas candy) sweet

Free Pattern

Free crochet pattern – Bubbles the Blue-Banded Bee

Hello crochet friends! September is always such a special month for me, and this year it is even more special! Why, you may ask? September is my birthday month (and my little Clark's birthday month too, seeing as he was born on my birthday), and I love cake, and presents. This year, I turned 30… Continue reading Free crochet pattern – Bubbles the Blue-Banded Bee

Blog, Giveaway

Pattern Giveaway!

Edit: this giveaway is now closed, thank you to those who joined my mailing list! The winner has been chosen and emailed! Hello crocheters! I am very excited to launch this giveaway as part of my birthday week, and I hope that you enjoy it too! So, what can you win? I'm offering any one… Continue reading Pattern Giveaway!

Free Pattern

Cleo the Clownfish

Hello crafters! It had been a while since my last free pattern so I thought I would share Cleo the Clownfish here for free with you, as a thank you for your support! Clownfish are super cool animals, they have a special mucus that allow them to live in sea anemones without getting stung. They… Continue reading Cleo the Clownfish

Free Pattern

Jay la Méduse

Bonjour amis crocheteurs! Les méduses peuvent être dangereuses, mais je les trouve aussi très jolies. Ma préférée est la méduse Méditerranéenne Pelagia noctiluca, qui est rose. Je me rappelle encore, quand j'étais petite, aller à l'aquarium pour les regarder nager en cercles. Maintenant, vous pouvez faire votre propre méduse grâce à ce patron! Si vous… Continue reading Jay la Méduse