Blog, Craft Vlog

Emma Crafts Vlog 4 – Short and (Christmas candy) sweet

Hello crafty friends! It is time again for my monthly craft video blog! November has been quite productive, but I think I will take some time off during December as we have (hopefully, if all goes to plan) holidays planned to see family. I have finished a few Christmas presents (I was early for once!)… Continue reading Emma Crafts Vlog 4 – Short and (Christmas candy) sweet

Blog, En coulisses

La pêche aux canards

Bonjours à tou•te•s ! Depuis janvier 2021, j'ai eu le privilège d'organiser un projet pour créer des amigurumi gratuits pour la communauté francophone "La Guinguette", avec 10 autres talentueuses designers. C'était la première fois que je participais à un projet de ce genre et je suis tellement contente d'avoir eut cette opportunité. J'ai pensé que… Continue reading La pêche aux canards

Blog, featured

‘Tis’ the Season!

Hello crocheters! We are finally in November, and that means the beginning of silly season preparations! This year, it feels like we need Christmas more than ever, and that's why I'm so excited to share with you what my plans are for the next couple of months. I will try to participate in not one,… Continue reading ‘Tis’ the Season!