Behind the scenes, Blog

Finished project – Lord of the Rings graphghan

Hello crochet friends! I am super excited and proud to finally be able to show you my finished Lord of the Rings blanket! I started this project a very long time ago, in March 2016, after I discovered graphghans. What are graphghans? It’s a portemanteau between graph and afghan, and it describes an afghan blanket… Continue reading Finished project – Lord of the Rings graphghan

Free Pattern

Free crochet pattern – Bubbles the Blue-Banded Bee

Hello crochet friends! September is always such a special month for me, and this year it is even more special! Why, you may ask? September is my birthday month (and my little Clark's birthday month too, seeing as he was born on my birthday), and I love cake, and presents. This year, I turned 30… Continue reading Free crochet pattern – Bubbles the Blue-Banded Bee

Blog, Craft Vlog

Emma Crafts Vlog 1 – A new adventure and a lot of finished projects

Hello crochet (and knitting) friends! I have been wanting to do this for a long time, but I finally took the plunge! I am starting a craft vlog! I used to blog very regularly about all my craft projects (some of you might remember my time blogging on but between my couple of kiddies… Continue reading Emma Crafts Vlog 1 – A new adventure and a lot of finished projects

Blog, featured

Amigurumi Showcase 2021 – Shortlisted designs

Happy Saturday my crochet friends! Here we go again, the Amigurumi Showcase design contest is back on Instagram and this year it had a specific theme: super heroes! The amigurumi also had to fit in the palm of your hand, same as last year. For a bit of background, this design contest was open to… Continue reading Amigurumi Showcase 2021 – Shortlisted designs

Amigurumi Basics, Blog

How to read crochet patterns… in French!

Hello crochet friends! I hope you have been well, life here has been a little hectic with never ending restrictions and two boys to entertain, but the show must go on! I was chatting to some of my French crochet friends recently and realised that, even if some of them do not speak English, they… Continue reading How to read crochet patterns… in French!

Blog, En coulisses

La pêche aux canards

Bonjours à tou•te•s ! Depuis janvier 2021, j'ai eu le privilège d'organiser un projet pour créer des amigurumi gratuits pour la communauté francophone "La Guinguette", avec 10 autres talentueuses designers. C'était la première fois que je participais à un projet de ce genre et je suis tellement contente d'avoir eut cette opportunité. J'ai pensé que… Continue reading La pêche aux canards

Blog, En coulisses

Patron gratuit au crochet – Circé le Canard Sorcier

Bonjour ami•e•s crocheters ! Avec la sortie de mon patron pour la pêche aux canards de la Guinguette (une communauté francophone géniale - vous pouvez d'ailleurs nous rejoindre sur le Discord !), j'avais aussi concocté une petite histoire pour expliquer ses origines. Puis, ma collègue et amie Claudie de Ohana Hook a décidé de créer… Continue reading Patron gratuit au crochet – Circé le Canard Sorcier

Behind the scenes, Blog

Free crochet pattern – Circe the Witch Ducky

Hello crochet friends! With the release of my newest free pattern, Circe the Witch Ducky, I have also created a little story to explain his background. As you may know if you follow me on Instagram, this pattern is part of a crochet along organised by a French crochet collective @guinguettecrochet. I will do another… Continue reading Free crochet pattern – Circe the Witch Ducky

Free Pattern

Crochet Flower – Poppy

Hello crochet friends! In Australia and New Zealand, the 25th of April is a Remembrance Day commemorating troops arriving in Gallipoli during World War I. Each year on Anzac Day, we wear poppies to commemorate the people who served for our country. This year is my first year spending Anzac Day as an Australian citizen,… Continue reading Crochet Flower – Poppy

Amigurumi Basics, Blog

Amigurumi basics – a review of DK/8ply yarns

Hello crochet friends! As a yarn lover, I am always keen to try new yarns (and I am sure you are too!). With that in mind, I thought I would share with you a few of the yarns I have tried/use to make my amigurumi, how they feel, how easy they are to work with,… Continue reading Amigurumi basics – a review of DK/8ply yarns