Hello crochet friends! Today, I am releasing a new pattern, and this is probably the pattern I’m the most proud of. To do this pattern justice however, I have to tell you how it was conceived and what it represents. I hope you’ll take the time to read Greg the Care Bear’s story, and, if… Continue reading Behind the Scenes – Greg the Care Bear’s story
Tag: emmacraftsdesign
Free Crochet Pattern – Chinese Lantern
Hello crochet friends! I wanted to wish you all a very happy lunar new year! To celebrate the occasion, I wanted to share this little pattern for a Chinese lantern. I think this is perfect to add to your new year celebration, and it goes really well with my Chinese zodiac patterns too (I have… Continue reading Free Crochet Pattern – Chinese Lantern
Patron Gratuit au crochet – Lanterne Chinoise
Bonjour amis crocheters ! Avec le nouvel an lunaire qui approche, j'ai voulu traduire ce patron que j'avais créé l'année dernière exclusivement en anglais. Je trouve que cette lanterne est une super petite décoration pour le nouvel an chinois et vous pouvez la customiser en changeant les couleurs ou en la brodant. J'espère que ce… Continue reading Patron Gratuit au crochet – Lanterne Chinoise
Emma Crafts Vlog 4 – Short and (Christmas candy) sweet
Hello crafty friends! It is time again for my monthly craft video blog! November has been quite productive, but I think I will take some time off during December as we have (hopefully, if all goes to plan) holidays planned to see family. I have finished a few Christmas presents (I was early for once!)… Continue reading Emma Crafts Vlog 4 – Short and (Christmas candy) sweet
Free crochet pattern – Celebration Champagne
Hello amigurumi enthusiasts! With the end of the year fast approaching, I thought it was time for me to share again the free champagne pattern I released for my mailing list subscribers last year! This champagne is perfect for big and little kids to celebrate any occasion. You can embroider the label with anything you'd… Continue reading Free crochet pattern – Celebration Champagne
Emma Crafts Vlog 3 – The Crochet Witch
Hello crafty friends! I’m back with another craft video blog and this month I have a couple of knitting projects to show you on top of all the crochet (and there is quite a bit of that!). Below you’ll find the show notes for all the things I mention in my video, including links to… Continue reading Emma Crafts Vlog 3 – The Crochet Witch
Patron gratuit au crochet – Wiley le Feu Follet
Bonjour amis crocheters ! J'ai créé ce patron en 2017 pour le concours de design du site amigurumi.com. Le thème était les créatures fantastiques et vu que j'ai toujours aimé Halloween j'ai décidé de créer un feu follet. C'était ma première participation à un concours de design et j'ai tellement aimé participer que j'essaie de… Continue reading Patron gratuit au crochet – Wiley le Feu Follet
Emma Crafts Vlog 2 – A blanket worthy of Mordor
Hello crafty friends! It is October and I am back with my second video blog where I’ll talk about what crafty things I’ve been up to since my last vlog (huge hint in the title of this post!). You can watch the vlog by clicking the link below and you’ll find the details (with links… Continue reading Emma Crafts Vlog 2 – A blanket worthy of Mordor
Finished project – Lord of the Rings graphghan
Hello crochet friends! I am super excited and proud to finally be able to show you my finished Lord of the Rings blanket! I started this project a very long time ago, in March 2016, after I discovered graphghans. What are graphghans? It’s a portemanteau between graph and afghan, and it describes an afghan blanket… Continue reading Finished project – Lord of the Rings graphghan
Free crochet pattern – Bubbles the Blue-Banded Bee
Hello crochet friends! September is always such a special month for me, and this year it is even more special! Why, you may ask? September is my birthday month (and my little Clark's birthday month too, seeing as he was born on my birthday), and I love cake, and presents. This year, I turned 30… Continue reading Free crochet pattern – Bubbles the Blue-Banded Bee